Case Results


Bicycle Wreck

Head, Neck & Torso Injury – The at-fault party collided with Janelle Bailey’s client, who was riding a bicycle. The client suffered injuries all over his body, including to his head, face, neck, torso, arms, ankles, and ribs.



Auto Accident

Head, Neck & Leg Injury – The at-fault party collided with Janelle Bailey’s client. The collision was so extensive that the emergency crew had to use the Jaws of Life to extricate the client from the vehicle. As a result of this wreck, the client suffered severe injuries that required multiple separate immediate surgical procedures.



Truck Accident

Head, Neck & Back Injury – A semi truck failed to stop and collided with Janelle Bailey’s client. As a result of the wreck, the client suffered series injuries to her head, neck, and back.



Auto Accident

Shattered Knee & Ankle – Janelle Bailey’s client was hit by a car that ran a stop sign.



Truck Accident

Arm Injury – A semi-truck and a passenger vehicle collided while driving through a construction zone. Janelle Bailey’s client sustained life-changing injuries to his right arm.



Auto Accident

Knee Injury – An at-fault driver veered into the lane of Janelle Bailey’s client causing a collision. As a result of the wreck, the client suffered from several serious including a knee injury that required surgical repair.



Auto Accident

Leg & Foot Injury – The at-fault party turned left across traffic and collided with Janelle Bailey’s client. As a result of the wreck, the client suffered blunt trauma to his ankle requiring surgical intervention. The policy limits were obtained.



Auto Accident

Head Injury – A drunk driver collided with Janelle Bailey’s client, causing a severe head injury. Due to the head injury, the client experienced severe headaches, dizziness, and difficulty concentrating. Ultimately, the client was found to have fluid on the brain that required surgical intervention. The policy limits were obtained.



Motorcycle Accident

Leg Injury – The at-fault party pulled into the path of Janelle Bailey’s client causing him to suddenly lay his bike down to avoid a collision. The client suffered from serious injuries including fractures of his leg requiring surgical intervention.



Auto Accident

Neck, Back & Arm Injury – The at-fault party crossed over the centerline and struck Janelle Bailey’s client. As a result of this wreck, the client suffered from compression fractures in his back, ongoing headaches, neck and arm pain. The policy limits were obtained.



Motorcycle Accident

Chest & Shoulder Injury – The at-fault driver made a left turn into the path of Janelle Bailey’s client, who was driving a motorcycle. As a result of this wreck, the client suffered from a flailed chest, shoulder pain, clavicle fracture, and multiple abrasions. The policy limits were obtained.



Auto Accident

Herniated Disk – (Jury Verdict) Janelle Bailey’s client was rear-ended. The insurance company failed to offer its policy limits. This case went to trial and we obtained a verdict twice the policy limits. The insurance company paid without appeal.



Auto Accident

Broken Leg – The at-fault driver suddenly veered into the lane occupied by Janelle Bailey’s client, causing the client to swerve and hit a concrete wall. The client suffered from multiple breaks in his leg and foot area requiring surgical repair including the placement of rods. The policy limits were obtained.



Truck Accident

Neck and Back Injury – A semi-truck turned into Janelle Bailey’s client colliding with the entire passenger side of her vehicle. The client suffered injuries to her neck and back as a result of this wreck.



Auto Accident

Back Injury – The at-fault party crossed the centerline and collided with Janelle Bailey’s client. As a result of the wreck, the client suffered from disc bulges in her back and numbness down her legs. The policy limits were obtained.



Commercial Vehicle

Arm Injury – Janelle Bailey’s client suffered a fall on a commercial vehicle when the at-fault driver suddenly moved forward. As a result, the client suffered from multiple injuries, including a fracture to her elbow.



Motorcycle Accident

Neck, Back & Knees Injury – The at-fault driver pulled out from a driveway into the path of Janelle Bailey’s client who was on her motorcycle. The client collided with the at-fault party, tumbling over the hood and landed with an initial impact on her knees. As a result of this wreck, the client suffered torn meniscus of both knees, shoulder and neck pain as a result of this wreck.



Auto Accident

Chest, Neck, & Back Injury – The at-fault party ran stop sign and collided with Janelle Bailey’s client. As a result of the wreck, the client suffered multiple rib fractures, neck and back pain.



Auto Accident

Leg Injury – Janelle Bailey’s client was a passenger in a vehicle when the driver of such vehicle caused a multiple car pileup. The driver of the vehicle struck a protective median barrier with such force that he fractured the barrier cables causing the vehicle to overturn. While overturning, the vehicle entered the direct path of and impacted with another vehicle. The client suffered from injuries all over, including to her neck, back, and leg requiring surgical intervention. The policy limits were obtained.



Auto Accident

Arm Injury – Janelle Bailey’s client was a passenger in a vehicle that was T-boned by an at-fault driver. The client suffered severe bone and nerve damage, including a fracture to her arm and radial nerve palsy. The policy limits were obtained.



Auto Accident

Leg Injury – The at-fault party crossed the centerline and collided with Janelle Bailey’s client. As a result of the collision, the client suffered multiple fractures to her leg requiring multiple surgeries. The policy limits were obtained.



Auto Accident

Neck & Back Injury – The at-fault driver sped through a red light and collided T-boned Janelle Bailey’s client. As a result of the wreck, the client experienced on-going neck and back pain.



Auto Accident

Knee Injury – The at-fault driver ran a stop sign and collided with Janelle Bailey’s client. As a result of the wreck, the client suffered injuries to both knees, requiring surgical intervention. The policy limits were obtained.



Auto Accident

Ankle Injury – The at-fault party ran a stop sign suddenly entering into an intersection occupied by Janelle Bailey’s client. The client took evasive action to avoid the imminent collision causing him to college with a utility pole. The client suffered from an ankle fracture requiring surgical intervention. The policy limits were obtained.



Auto Accident

Neck & Back Injury – Janelle Bailey’s client experienced neck and back pain after a driver ran a red light and caused a collision.


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