Erb’s palsy is a condition of the nerve that affects the shoulder, arm, hands, and fingers, typically only on one side. Erb’s palsy is generally not permanent. Some cases clear up on their own, without medical intervention. Other children have worse reactions to nerve damage and may require rehabilitation therapy or surgery.
Medical malpractice could cause an infant’s Erb’s palsy by injuring the upper arm or shoulder during labor or delivery. It is worth discussing this possibility with an attorney if a doctor recently diagnosed your child with Erb’s palsy. Contact the Seattle Erb’s Palsy lawyers at Washington Injury Law for a free initial consultation.
Why Choose Washington Injury Law?
- We care about what happens to clients. Erb’s palsy can be a serious condition. We want our clients to recover the compensation they need to move forward after a medical malpractice birth injury. We bring compassion to every case.
- We have experience. Our Seattle personal injury lawyers have years of combined experience handling all types of birth injury claims. We have a proven track record of settlements and verdicts in this practice area and are not afraid to take cases to court.
- We only charge if we win. Our firm knows your family is already under enough financial strain. We advance the costs to keep your claim moving forward. You will only pay our fees if we secure you a monetary settlement or jury verdict.
The Benefits of Hiring a Seattle Erb’s Palsy Lawyer
Erb’s palsy could cause developmental muscle delays in one of your child’s arms. It could also lead to expensive medical bills and temporary disability. As a parent, you may not know how to fight for your child’s rights or how to bring a responsible party to justice. A Seattle Erb’s Palsy lawyer can take care of these processes for you while you focus on your child’s recovery. Hiring an attorney can protect you from insurance companies taking advantage of your family. You can ensure you receive a fair settlement offer with a lawyer’s representation.
What to Know About Erb’s Palsy
Erb’s palsy impacts a part of the brachial plexus or the bundle of nerves located in the shoulder. These nerves are responsible for movement and sensation in the arm and hand. If something damages the brachial plexus, it can interrupt the path of communication between the spinal cord and the arm affected. This could cause a variety of symptoms.
- Weakness in the arm, hand, or fingers
- Difficulty or painful arm movement
- Holding the arm bent against the body
- Trouble gripping things in one fist
Children with Erb’s palsy may not experience total arm paralysis. Instead, they will have weak or limited movement and feeling in the affected arm. Arm paralysis is brachial plexus palsy, not Erb’s palsy. Both conditions can stem from medical malpractice.
Causes of Erb’s Palsy
The brachial plexus is a delicate nerve center that can suffer damage in many situations. However, the most common cause of an infant’s brachial plexus injury and related Erb’s palsy is the pulling of the limb during birth. If during birth the child’s head or shoulders lodge in the birth canal, tugging on the infant could stretch the arm unnaturally and tear ligaments within the brachial plexus. Injuries to the spinal cord during the first few months after birth, such as physical blows, could also cause Erb’s palsy.
Who Is Liable For Damages?
It is up to the presiding physician to react to emergency birth complications in as safe a manner as possible – ideally preventing damage to the brachial plexus in the method chosen. If another physician could have reasonably prevented Erb’s palsy, your doctor may be guilty of medical malpractice and liable for damages. Tugging on the infant’s arm or misusing birth-assisting tools, for instance, could cause Erb’s palsy. If you believe this was the case during your child’s birth, discuss your situation with an attorney. Your family could be eligible for damages.
Schedule a Free Consultation with Our Seattle Erb’s Palsy Attorneys
A successful Erb’s palsy lawsuit could result in financial compensation for your child’s medical expenses, pain and suffering, disability costs, and lost quality of life. You may also be able to recover for your own lost wages and mental anguish. A medical malpractice claim could be the correct course of legal action for your family to take. Learn more about your rights during a free consultation in Seattle. Contact us to schedule yours today.